University of Cyprus

The University of Cyprus participates in All-In&Win Project through the Software Engineering and Internet Technologies (SEIT) Laboratory, an integral part of the Department of Computer Science. SEIT focuses its research activities on two important areas of Information Technology, namely Software Engineering and Internet Technologies. In the second area, the Laboratory concentrates on the development of ICT-enabled Creativity and Enhanced Learning Environments, platforms and tools for implementing Health monitoring and support services, Smart and Personalised services for Elders and Assistive Technologies for people with disabilities. SEIT has extensive experience in the area of applying ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to e-Learning, m-Learning and Open and Distance Learning in general as well as Life Long Learning in particular. This expertise is both at a technical level and at developing policies and qualification frameworks for such activities. Regarding only the Erasmus+ related themes, SEIT has recently coordinated four Erasmus+ projects (VeLoCiTy, World-of-Physics, DiFens, IDEA) and currently coordinates one Erasmus+ project: wINGS (begun in 2018), and also participates in 14 more: EASIER, EPUM, ELSE, AT-SGIRES, SENSE, WINDEXT, Dig-It, ISSA, ICT-4TVET, TOOLS, PRIMAE, QHELP, Digi-Sporting and Job-Jo. SEIT has also participated in 13 Leonardo da Vinci projects, 3 EUMEDIS projects, 2 FP (Framework Programs), 1 INCO-DC and 3 projects funded by national funds. It has also participated in the EMUNI project and the VUSCC initiative, both related to policymaking or reform and qualifications accreditation, as well as in the Interreg IVC project Innofun, on developing policies for entrepreneurship and innovation. SEIT is currently participating in two AAL projects: eSticky, and GUIDed, and in one national project: ReaDI-STANCE.
European Football Development Network

EFDN is one of the fastest growing community development organisations in European football with members consisting of Inter Milan, FC Barcelona Foundation, Paris Saint Germain, Benfica FC, PSV Eindhoven, English Premier League, and the national Football Associations of Iceland, Romania and Portugal. With over 130 members from 29 European countries and growing, EFDN has created the first innovative platform for professional European football clubs, leagues, FAs, and their associated foundations that use football as a tool for social development. The strong network collaborates on a wide range of topics to exchange knowledge and create opportunities for participants to tackle issues on education, social inclusion, health, environmental sustainability, anti-discrimination, and employment. EFDN operates in 29 countries in the UEFA territory and provides support through international project management and coordination of pan-European sport for development programmes, as well as aid in the sharing of best practices and expertise. EFDN also offers consultancy services in range of areas within Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and works to create awareness and visibility of the social impact of European football. Together with partners, EFDN delivers 25 European programmes which are funded through the EU, UEFA Foundation, and other fund giving organisations and companies. These community programmes are designed for hard to reach target groups and use football as a tool for social development. All EFDN projects are tracked with an intense reporting system in partnership with Upshot Research and their monitoring tool. EFDN has extensive partnerships with a wide range of national and international governing sport bodies, NGO’s and other organisations such as; European Healthy Stadia Network, Centre for Accessibility Europe (CAFE), ECA, Football Against Racism Europe (FARE), Special Olympics Europe/Eurasia, UEFA Foundation for Children, and Geef Racisme de Rode Kaart.
John Blankenstein Foundation

JBF works on the acceptance of LGBTI+ athletes in sports. From the beginnings the JBF is core partner in the gay-straight alliance in sports (“Alliantie Gelijkspelen”) in the Netherlands and as of 2018 project coördinator of the Alliantie Gelijkspelen 4.0. The JBF developed workshops for mainstream sport teams how to tackle homophobia in their club. The Dutch Football Association KNVB initiated the action plan against homophobia in sports and asked the JBF to create workshops as part of the action plan. Together with the Dutch Olympic Committee (also partner in the Alliance) we developed the new Guideline Gender- and Sex Diverse Individuals. From 2019 the JBF participates also in the Alliance Inclusive Sport and undersigned the national program against Racism and discrimination in Football initiated by the Dutch Government in 2020. The board of the JBF consists of six board members (president, general secretary, treasurer and three board members at large). A dozen volunteers (trainers, helpers) assist in carrying out the work of the foundation. The JBF is member of EGLSF (European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation) and FARE (Football Against Racism in Europe).
Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln

It is the only university in Germany that is dedicated exclusively to sport and exercise science and offers 10 Bachelor and 14 Master programmes in both sport science and sport teacher training degrees as well as a doctorate programme. The GSU has about 6.000 students, comprises 19 institutes with about 30 professors, about 450 people in the academic staff and 400 persons working in the service departments. The Institute of Sociology & Gender Studies at the German Sport University comprises 8 members in the academic staffs with Prof. Dr. Ilse Hartmann-Tews as the head of the institute. It has developed a focus on comparative studies, inequality and gender issues in research as well as in its teaching profile. The Institute is responsible for the course programme of ‘Cultural heterogeneity and diversity in sport’ as an obligatory course module for all BA students as well as for the course programme ‘Gender and diversity in sport’ as an advanced course module in the BA programmes. One current research focus is on homo- and transnegativity in sport and generally on the situation of LGB individuals as well as transgender and gender diverse individuals (gender identity) in sport. This topic has been dealt with within the framework of the OUTSPORT project ‘Innovative and educational approaches to prevent violence and tackle discrimination in sport based on sexual orientation and gender identity’ (led by AICS, Italy, 01/2017 – 12/2019). The Institute of Sociology and Gender Studies was involved in a further project funded by the European Union, focussing on prevention of sexual abuse and harassment in organized sport contexts (VOICE).
European Hockey Federation

EHF is the governing body of field hockey in Europe. It was founded in 1969. The EHF is composed of the Member Associations of European nations (43) that govern hockey in their countries. The EHF is one of 5 Continental Federations that are affiliated to the International Hockey Federation (FIH), the world governing body for hockey. To increase the value of the programmes delivered, the EHF is looking to build an educational institute for hockey to create a framework for sharing strong grassroots structures and skills between all members within the European Hockey Family. Create through the established and emerging European hockey federations so best practice can be shared and built together to maximise the knowledge transference and educational frameworks to grow the grassroots infrastructure in European Hockey.
Federatia Romana de Fotbal

The institutional vocation of the FRF is to promote football all over the Romanian territory, to develop the football phenomenon in all its amplitude and to provide an organizational model for Romanian sports. The expertise of FRF in social inclusion includes: Organizing football activities promoting integration of ethinc minorities, refugees, young people in risk of exclusion and radicalisation, visually impared or blind players and fans, children and young people with disabilities; Adoption in 2016 of the Antiradicalization Strategy, a document that guides the Social Responsiblilty activities of our organization since and promotes football as a tool for integration and education; Creation of the Network for the Good of Football, to promote a more inclusive phenomenon and to strenghten the action against hate speech, discrimination etc. Participation in numerous EU-funded projects dedicated to make football more inclusive.
Catalan Hockey Federation

Federació Catalana de Hockey (CHF, in English) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1923. It is part of the Sports Federations Union of Catalonia (UFEC) and consists of 17 clubs all over Catalonia, more than 650 teams ascribed, more than 8,000 official licenses for players and 15,000 players. It covers indoor, field and beach hockey. CHF aim, with the help and support of Clubs, is to boost the growth of Catalan hockey by promoting it and supporting new ways of practicing sports, focusing more on leisure than competition. Work is being done to make hockey more inclusive and transversal every day. As the CHF official statement says: “at CHF, any discriminatory treatment on the basis of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance, is prohibited amongst managers, staffs, players, umpires, employees and collaborators”. CHF has a solid experience in social inclusion projects, like the ones following: - Regular League Hockey Plus: First regular and official competition at the level of Catalonia (and Spain) played between hockey teams made up of people with functional diversity; - Mamis and Papis League: The Catalan Hockey Federation is committed to Mamis and Papis hockey, a modality for people over the age of thirty, and who have never played hockey and started only as seniors. Annual “European Mami’s Hockey Festival” with more than 500 players from all over Europe. - Insersport programme: Youngsters at risk of social exclusion acquire knowledge as hockey umpires; an opportunity to integrate them into a society where often most doors are closed.
Czech Hockey Federation

CHF is the official national body representing 2770 active field hockey players in the Czech Republic. The federation is based in Prague and consists of 4 full time employees supported by volunteers running the different committees. The aim of the federation is to be an allinclusive sport. The “Hockey Family” organization logo represents our wish to be a sport welcoming members from different backgrounds. For this reason we have started up the Safe Sport Environment initiative some 2 years ago with 1 person spearheading this programme. CZF is member of the European Hockey Federation and active in various European development programmes.